
Which side of me will win?

Top 20 weird search terms that brought people to this blog


I’ve been getting a slightly increased amount of search engine traffic lately, especially since I posted that one story that had teenage girls and tits and peeing all in one go. And there comes a time in every blog’s life where you have to take a look at exactly what it is that people have been searching for.

My findings are, as I expected, at once hilarious and depressing. Doing this is like staring deep into the darkest recesses of humanity. Honestly, there are some search terms that ought to get someone arrested. People are fucked up.

But sometimes fucked up people are funny, so let’s laugh at these… Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under: Top 10, , , , , , ,

De Luxe Edition

I awoke this morning wondering what you call a person from Luxembourg. I looked it up and they’re a Luxembourger. They even speak Luxembourgish. Less interesting answers than I was hoping for. I was wondering this because there was a girl in my dream from Luxembourg. She also said she was Belgian, and that the type of Belgian she was was called a ‘Bambino’. It was at that point that I started to suspect she was merely a figment of my subconscious. I might not have known that a Luxembourger comes from Luxembourg (although I’m pretty sure I could have guessed if put on the spot), but I do know that a Bambino doesn’t come from Belgium.

I woke up pretty early for a Sunday, presumably because I slept so much yesterday. I got out of bed, got dressed and put some plastic bottles and glass jars in bags to take to the recycling centre. My building is one of those from which the council does not collect recyclables, I’m guessing because someone kept throwing chicken carcasses in the recycling bin before I even moved in here. Happened in a building I lived in before too. Read the rest of this entry »

Filed under: My boring funny day, , , , , , , ,